Pandappa business logo of blue outline drawing of a small gecko like lizard on the left, followed by the word Pandappa in blue with web services underneath in white.
Pandappa business logo of blue outline drawing of a small gecko like lizard on the left, followed by the word Pandappa in blue with web services underneath in white.

Maintenance plan terms

By either signing up or registering to use our services you are binding to agree to the terms outlined on this page.

Our WordPress Maintenance Plan terms and conditions govern what you can expect from us and what we can expect from you in relation to our WordPress Maintenance Plan packages.


There are certain requirements that the Client must fulfil for Pandappa to effectively maintain their WordPress site. Pandappa will not be held responsible for any issues that occur if the Client has not fulfilled these requirements.

1.1. Administrator account
1.1.1. Pandappa will require a user account with the Administrator role on your site. We will not disclose the login credentials of this account to third parties or make unauthorised changes to your site under any circumstances.
1.1.2. The Client will be responsible for user accounts.

1.2. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
1.2.1. Pandappa will require a FTP account to upload and download files. We will not disclose the login credentials of this account to third parties or upload unauthorised files to your server under any circumstances.
1.2.2. The Client will be responsible for FTP accounts.


Definitions of WordPress core files, plugins and themes, and terms and conditions that involve them.

2.1. WordPress core
2.1.1. WordPress core refers to the directories and files that comprise WordPress, available from
2.1.2. The Client agrees that they will not edit any WordPress core files.
2.1.3. Any issues that arise from the editing of WordPress core files will be charged at four times our standard maintenance charge hourly rate to repair.

2.2. WordPress plugins
2.2.1. A plugin is software that expands the core functionality of WordPress. “Plugins” refers to the directories and files that comprise a WordPress plugin, whether it is a free plugin from the WordPress repository, a bespoke plugin built by Pandappa or a premium plugin purchased from a software marketplace.
2.2.2. The Client agrees that they will not edit any WordPress plugin files.
2.2.3. Any issues that arise from the editing of WordPress plugin files will be charged at four times our standard maintenance charge hourly rate to repair.

2.3. WordPress themes
2.3.1. A theme is software that defines the visual design of a WordPress site. “Themes” refers to the directories and files that comprise a WordPress theme, whether it is a bespoke theme built by Pandappa or a premium theme purchased from a software marketplace.
2.3.2. The Client agrees that they will not edit any WordPress theme files.
2.3.3. Any issues that arise from the editing of WordPress theme files will be charged at four times our standard maintenance charge hourly rate to repair.


Updates to WordPress core, plugins and themes are released on an ongoing basis to fix bugs and offer new or improved functionality.

3.1. WordPress core updates
3.1.1. Minor updates (point updates – 4.1.1, 4.1.2, etc) will be performed automatically by your site if automatic updating has not been disabled. If an automatic update has not been triggered by 48 hours after its release, we will update your site manually.
3.1.2 Major updates (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc) will not be performed automatically by default. We will update your site within the timeframe of your plan. We will take a backup of your database before all major updates.

3.2. WordPress plugin updates
3.2.1. We will update plugins installed on your site within the timeframe of your plan.
3.2.2. Plugins purchased from a marketplace that cannot be updated via the WordPress update functions will be updated via FTP within within the timeframe of your plan.
3.2.3. Plugin updates that require premium theme templates to be updated will be performed within 48 hours of receiving the updated theme files from the Client unless not updating the plugin poses a security threat to the site. In these cases the plugin will be updated within the standard timescale.

3.3. WordPress theme updates
3.3.1. We will update themes installed on your site within within the timeframe of your plan.

3.3.2. Themes written by Pandappa will be updated as and when necessary to function with altered core or plugin functions.
3.3.3. Themes purchased from a marketplace that cannot be updated via the WordPress update functions will be updated via FTP within within the timeframe of your plan.


This section applies if your package includes security.

4.1. WordPress security plugins
4.1.1. Pandappa will, within 48 hours of receiving Administrator login credentials from the Client, install a security plugin on your site that will scan your WordPress folders for suspicious files and compare plugin and theme files against originals in the WordPress repository. Plugins and themes purchased from a marketplace will not be compared.
4.1.2. The scans and comparisons will be performed no less than once per week.
4.1.3. Pandappa will act as necessary on the reports from the security plugin.
4.1.4. The Client agrees not to change the settings of the security plugin without prior authorisation from Pandappa.

4.2. WordPress backups
4.2.1. Pandappa will, within 48 hours of receiving Administrator login credentials, install a backup plugin on your site that will backup your database daily (usually overnight) and send the backup as a zipped file by email to Pandappa.
4.2.2. Pandappa backup all media files on your site once per week, starting within 48 hours of the Client supplying us with FTP credentials.
4.2.3. Pandappa will store one backup at any one time. This backup will be replaced by the latest backup.

4.3 Premium security plugins
4.3.1. Pandappa will, within 48 hours of receiving Administrator login credentials from the Client, install a security plugin on your site with a premium package licence that will scan your WordPress folders for suspicious files and compare plugin and theme files against originals in the WordPress repository. Plugins and themes purchased from a marketplace will not be compared.
4.3.2. The scans and comparisons will be performed daily.
4.3.3. The plugin will also add the following functions: Real time updated firewall rules The latest malware signatures Malicious IP updates Two factor authentication Country blocking Advanced comment spam filter
4.3.4. Pandappa will act as necessary on the reports from the security plugin.
4.3.5. The Client agrees not to change the settings of the security plugin without prior authorisation from Pandappa.


This section applies if your package includes expansion.

5.1. WordPress plugin suggestions
5.1.1. As Pandappa works with clients, we get to know what a client is looking for from their site. We will suggest plugins, free or paid, that may enhance visitors’ experience on the Client’s website.
5.1.2. The Client is under no obligation to install any plugin suggested by Pandappa.

5.2 WordPress plugin assistance
5.2.1. If the Client would like a suggested plugin installed on their site, Pandappa will offer assistance, without extra charge, to install and configure the plugin.


6.1. Payment of fees
6.1.1. Fees are payable in Pounds Sterling by the following methods: First payment by credit or debit card. Credit and debit card transactions are handled by either Stripe or PayPal.
6.1.2. Pandappa reserves the right to restrict payment methods without notice and without giving reason.
6.1.3. Full payment of the first invoice is required in advance, before the service is established.
6.1.4. We will send an invoice to your registered email address seven days before your direct debit is due.

6.2. Non-payment of fees
6.2.1. Payment is due on or before your current expiry date.
6.2.2. If payment is not made by 7 days after the expiry date we will suspend your maintenance package and we will not perform any maintenance on your site. Pandappa will not be held responsible for any issues that arise on your site in these circumstances.
6.2.3. If payment still has not been made by 28 days after the expiry date, Pandappa reserves the right to cancel the Client’s WordPress maintenance package.
6.2.4. By cancelling the Client’s WordPress maintenance package, Pandappa does not remove the Client’s obligation to pay any outstanding monies owing.


7.1. Cancellations and refunds
7.1.1. Should you wish to cancel during the first 14 days of your maintenance package, please let us know as soon as possible in writing, by email or via the online form. Your package will be cancelled and we will refund any charges paid. Please allow 10 working days for cancellations to be processed.
7.1.2. After the first 7 days of your maintenance package, you must give one calendar month’s notice of cancellation. Please let us know of your intention to cancel in writing, by email or via the linked form. Your package will be cancelled after the notice period.
7.1.3. Pandappa will not perform any maintenance on your site after the package has been cancelled and will not be held responsible for any issues that arise on your site after the cancellation date.


8.1. Jurisdiction
8.1.1. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales which shall claim venue and jurisdiction for any legal action or claim arising from the contract between Pandappa and the Client. The said contract is void where prohibited by law.

8.2. Survival of contract
8.2.1. Where one or more terms of the said contract are held to be void or unenforceable for whatever reason, any other terms of the contract not so held will remain valid and enforceable at law.

8.3. Change of terms and conditions
8.3.1. These terms & conditions may change from time to time. The Client will be informed of revisions as and when they are issued.